1. go to rockaways
a. go to rockaways in beach attire
b. go to rockaways in winter attire
2. get beach chairs
3. get bong/bubbler
4. post up in washington square park with bong/bubbler, beach chairs, and beers (specifically red stripes from ben's red stripe cooler)
5. take edibles and walk the length of manhattan
6. go to more free and/or cheap concerts
7. shakespeare in the park
a. watch shakespeare in the park
b. perform a shakespeare play while in a park
8. couch
a. get couch (cheap) (second hand - say no to fast fashion)
b. put couch on wheels
c. watch a movie in rhyus' courtyard on project whilst on couch
d. couch in tompkins
e. couch in washington square park
f. couch in either central or prospect park (last hurrah of couch)
9. go on at least one ferry (rockaways?)
10. legendary water fight (super soakers) (tompkins? courtyard?)
11. get fun drunk and do fun activity (no parties allowed)
12. sell old clothes
a. in park
b. shared depop?
c. both?
13. bbq at sophie's
a. pizza party bbq where pizzas are made on tha grill
14. host an olympics
a. eat yogurt
b. make yogurt metals
c. fun olympic themed drinks (alcohol drinks we aren't lame)
d. compete
15. have more established picnics where everyone makes and brings food and good drinks
a. prospect
b. central park
c. during the day and/or night
16. deepen relationship with c****r
17. frequent spaces that cool and interesting old people are posted at
18. make lasting and meaningful relationships with aforementioned old people
19. make more silly movies
20. make more ironic movies
21. make more experimental movies
22. go to really good, cheap restaurants
a. expand our restaurant radius
b. small businesses only
23. eat more vegetables
24. eat fun little things (tapas)
25. eat good
26. shrooms
27. three minute and three second feature
a. covering miles in mudd and moss
b. editing creatures kissing and doing anything lovely (lovingly?) to miles
28. full length feature film Murder on A (also known as Rent)
a. follows two girls (piper and tilda but not actually because they are not played by piper and tilda) who want to live in the east village but the rent is too high
b. directed by piper, tilda, rhyus, and ben
c. cinematography by ben and rhyus
d. main roles will be played by friends that can actually act but other roles will be all friends
e. score by ben and z
29. make another in and out list (specifically piper and tilda)
30. do a***
31. hotbox
a. hotbox and then box in the hotbox
b. hotbox z's car
c. ray's bathroom
d. ben's room
e. tent
f. storage unit
g. zipcar
32. more childlike fun but while crossed
a. gaga
b. four square
c. bubbles
d. jumprope
e. penis in chalk on sidewalk
31. throw girly tea party
32. throw extremely masculine tea party
33. more european style days
a. wake up in the morning
b. fuck around (aka the whole rest of the list)
c. job
d. we eat - 2pm or 3pm
e. siesta
f. fuck around (perhaps with a light snack) 6pm to 8pm
g. we eat, together
h. fuck around
i. we sleep
34. girl blunt
35. destroy the homogeneous practices that lead to the pedagogical reality of the education system that shapes ones place in class through society
36. new clothes
a. i want a nice dress and a sweater - fun shoes
b. rhyus wants a new pair of pants that are unlike any other and nice new button down
37. make a daxophone
38. day trip to harriman state park
a. z drives
b. hike
c. swim
39. take advantage of our resources through taking weekend trips
40. find the best jeff buckley artist in new york
a. hold auditions in public place so its kinda like the voice but only for jeff buckely impersonators
b. could it be rhyus?
41. summer of chillers
42. summer of chilling
43. 41 and 42 are very important. fucking chill vibes only. annoying people will not be tolerated.
44. buy a pound of weed
45. get on the dark web
46. smoke weed with random person and spend day with them
47. practice a philosophy for a day - why not?
48. sneak into coney island and ride rides
49. make edibles
a. soup edibles
b. pasta edibles
50. pasta bake sale
a. pay what you want
b. posted on couch with music and pasta
51. shrinky dinks
52. shrinky dicks
53. secret scavenger hunt
a. no one knows its a scavenge hunt except us - hahaha
54. carve a watermelon like a pumpkin
55. allow ourselves to become consumed by ai
56. set a cultural precedent of smoking cigarettes while outdoor dining
57. smoke weed in h&m
58. figure out what explore page core really is
59. try to outlaw graphic tshirts
60. offer ourselves on craigslist
a. "there are 6 of us. we will anything (no sex and nothing malicious). please pay us in a half ounce."
61. offer our labor in the park
a. hold up a sign that says "there are 6 of us. we will anything (no sex and nothing malicious). please pay us in a half ounce."
62. everyone get matching tattoos
a. the surginch
b. we each get a different horse tattoo
63. winnie the pooh day
a. no pants
64. putin day
a. no shirts
65. go to open houses
a. we dress up fancy
66. 6 - satan day
67. take a free class
68. grow basil
69. june 9th is ayo day
70. one bite challenge
71. 24 hours no nicotine and completely sober and we have to hang out the whole day all 24 hours
a. go bowling
72. ant farm
73. go to met and walk around as if there is somewhere to be and chat and gossip and such
74. baseball game and smoke in the cheapest possible seats
75. sensory deprivation (either in the tank or by any means possible)
76. dog prank
a. go up to man (dweeby, but could tell an okay joke. late 20s to mid 30s) and say try to convince him that his dog is our dog. boom.
77. the list is never ending